Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fasting and Praying

This is one of the most disputed topics among Christians. I have a more laid back approach to the subject of Fasting and Praying than some do. For myself and how I practice fasting I am more of a traditionalist, giving up food for a period of time and praying whenever I can devote blocks of time.

Throughout the Bible there are times of fasting that are called upon the whole of a nation or people, and some private fasts that involve only the single person. God is ultimately the one that empowers a time of fasting. There is no magical or mystical phenomenon to fasting. It is simply a time of sacrifice and prayer. But why is it important?

We find in the Bible that God looks at our heart, not so much our actions, but our heart. This is very significant, because we can say things and do things that get taken the wrong way by others, yet God sees our heart in each matter. So, by voluntarily giving up food, or t.v., or texting (like Catholics choose something to give up for Lent), we are giving God priority in our life. He sees our motives, and knows why we are seeking Him. Our requests are seen in their pure form and not muddled by our wants. (Don't ask for a red Porsche.)

There are times in life when we fully understand that only God can "fix" what is going wrong, and so we can use that moment to fast and pray to see God's hand begin to move on our behalf. Make no mistake you cannot strong arm God into doing something like Santa or a Genie, but he will hear your prayer and know your heart. At that He will answer according to His will.

I am fasting for a precious little girl who needs a touch from heaven. Emme just turned 1 a few weeks ago and is now at Women's and Children's Hospital in Mobile, AL, in the PICU. Her mom and dad need answers, peace, and a healed little baby.

I am also fasting for the doors to open for God to bring a new job for me, as mine will phase out in a few weeks. I will give up food and pray tomorrow for God to answer these requests. I know that He will, but I want Him to see that there are people who are full of faith that He can and will!

Please pray with me Wednesday October 6, 2010.

Much Love


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