Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dreams, and other rantings

The other day I was thinking about life and some of the things that our family has been through as of late. For me I know that all too often I, like most people, set goals just outside of arms length, wish for things that will NEVER happen, and dream things that just seem to discourage me. Not any more!

I will find ways to start making our dreams come true. Hard work can see dreams fulfilled. I am willing to do what it takes to see my family succeed. Recent events in my personal relationship with my parents have helped me to decide to push for me and mine. By mine I am talking about the green beans (my wife and children). 

I will never be able to share the full details of the events that have brought such stress and discouragement. I would like to thank everyone who has prayed and are still praying., There are things to come in another area that God is still working out. It is so difficult to have life being stiffled by others. The good in all of this is that Elizabeth and I are stronger and closer, and more determined to see our dreams come true.

Never let anyone touch your dreams in a negative way! Keep reaching upward. Surround yourself with those who will challenge your ideas and thinking, but will always support you even if it is to clean up when you crash and burn.

More rantings to come,
